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Your Anchor is Secure

We were in his 25 foot powerboat getting ready for our spearfishing dive a in pristine water just outside the most beautiful underwater wall of coral. I couldn’t wait to start hunting gamefish in this particular spot, but I did as the captain said and threw on my snorkel. I grabbed my mask, and fins and swam down 30 or so feet only to see the anchor floating along the bottom…attached to nothing. It wasn’t holding the boat secure at all. The waves were in control of our boat, not the anchor. I swam back to the surface and told Gavin, “Our anchor’s not secure.” We pulled the boat into a better area, let out more rope and set our anchor secure under a huge rock. 

Do you feel like today, in your life, the waves are in control, and not the anchor? Well, I’ve got good news. They’re not and never will be. God controls the waves, the winds, and the sea.

It’s been said there are four anchors of your soul that will keep you on course as you grow weary from fighting the storms of life.  They are:

Anchor #1:  Reading and memorizing the Word of God –  “I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His Word do I hope.” – Psalm 130:5

Anchor #2:  Worship – “Hope in God for I shall praise Him!” – Psalm 42:5

Anchor #3: An active and vibrant prayer life – “They ought to pray and not lose hope…” – Luke 18:1

Anchor #4:  Choosing to be a hopeful Christian –  “Take hold of the hope set before you.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which entered within the veil.” – Hebrews 6:18, 19

Jim Laffoon writes, “If you have been reduced to God being your only hope, You are in a good place.”  “Hope is patiently waiting expectantly for the intangible to become reality.” – Avery D. Miller

I pray today that God grants, restores, and sustains your hope in His promises and in His Son Jesus. He will NOT LET YOU GO!!! 

There’s no place HOPE,




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