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Noah and the Rem-Ark

“Mr. Stefan, I got a new Bible.” ~ Noah 6 3/4 years old

Undecided an hour before church Sunday morning what verse God wanted me to read (They’re all pretty good) I veered away from my first inclination (Psalm 91) which I had planned all week, and landed first in Psalm 121 and then in Ephesians. 

Six (and 3/4) year old Noah comes to the side of the stage and says, “Mr. Stefan, I got a new Bible.” Before I had the chance to ask who wrote it, he was sitting on the bench next to me at the piano. He then starts reading a verse in Jeremiah 7 when he gets stuck on the word “Hananiah. “How do you say that word?” he asks. He then suggests I read with him in my Bible. Uh, okay. Sure. “It’s on page 552” he says. I kinda laughed on the inside, but did as I was told. I flip back to page 552 in my Bible. He says, “It’s on the left page…and you have to go to the bottom right corner. Well, lo and behold, it’s exactly the page, exactly the spot where my original verse of Psalm 91 begins. 

A picture tells a thousand words, so I’ve included the 2 versions. 

I can’t tell you that God’s always gonna lead in such a way. He doesn’t. But I can say, for sure, that He’s ALWAYS speaking, and always reaching out to us.

Three weeks ago I cleaned out a closet of about 12 pairs of shoes, threw them into a box, and headed to The Salvation Army to drop them off. On the way, I decided to keep driving and check out a new area as they served lunch to the homeless. I really didn’t know who I’d find there so I just stood there for a second, until a smiling man stood up and said, “Stefan!” It was my old friend Kenny, who used to sleep on the doorstep of our church. After a bit of catching up, and being introduced to all his friends there, he asked, “Hey Stefan, what size shoe do you wear?” I said “10.” As he said “Wow! Me too” I got a look at the tight fitting women’s shoes on his feet. It’s all he had. I said “Kenny, you’re not gonna believe this, but outside in my car, I have a whole box of size 10 shoes, boots, and sneakers. You can have anything you want.” We walked to the car and he found exactly what he needed.

I only mention these 2 recent happenings because they’re just glimpse of the unique, God ordained moments that I often see around me. My job is to just obey, trust, and follow. My pastor read from Ruth 1:6 this past week, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Lord, in Jesus name, help us to follow, trust and walk wherever You lead. 

If you haven’t heard it yet, here’s 18 year old Sam Russell affirming his own faith as he sings during our worship this past week, “Just a Closer Walk With Thee.”



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