My Top 10 List (Stuff I’m learning)
1. It’s not about bowing down to get God to like you; It’s about bowing down because you understand how much He already does. Read 1 John 4:19
2. You are loving, You are wise; There is nothing in my life You cannot revive. Read Isaiah 61:3
3. What starts as an insignificant assignment often leads to your most significant moment. Read John 21:17
4. Your greatest limitations are God’s greatest opportunities to show Himself through you. Read Gen. 50:20
5. We don’t labor for God’s love, we labor in response to His already demonstrated love. John 3:16
6. You’ve got someone standing beside you that’s stronger than the one standing against you. Read 2 Kings 6:15-17
7. There’s a chasm between believing grace alot and trusting grace alone. Read Eph 2:8-9
8. Whenever I see and sense God running, it’s ALWAYS towards me. Read Luke 15
9. When I walk in God’s ways, He will lead me in His will. Read Psalm 1
10. The disciples on the “sinking” boat cried out in fear, not faith, and still got answered. Read Mark 4
There’s no place like HOPE,